One of the horse bronze statues at Lexington airport
Lexington airport
Lexington airport
Lexington Airport
Beautiful scenery at the Duey Dam, Prestonberg
Lovely weather, Duey Dam, Prestonsberg.
Cumberland Falls, State Resort Park.
Cumberland Falls, State Resort Park. Over 100 degrees on the day we visited.
Spent a couple of hours at Cumberland Falls
Denise admiring the view.
We enjoyed our time at Cumberland Falls
Denise's nephew, Mr. Stephen Crisp, a fine fellow.
My golfing buddy Stephen
Our favourite restaurant in the USA, Cracker Barrel.
Real Kentuckian moonshine
Back at Duey Lake
Posing for a photo at the Duey Dam
July 4th celebratory fireworks
The family all had a trip out to watch the July 4th fireworks
No firearms allowed.
A warm evening in Prestonsberg, July 4th.
Petrol at $2.69 a gallon in Kentucky = equates to £2.23 a gallon in the UK !!
Visiting Stonecrest GC
The house in Martin, KY
The view from the balcony..proper home from home.
I found a new game
A game of cornhole with the family.
It was thought some sort of wild animal was holed up in this little shed, had to go check it out, a bear, or a snake...but nothing.